除了Dr. Wilks 我想说的是很多GP老师都太自以为是狂妄嚣张 我不得不感激自己的阅卷老师是如此温柔似水 传说中华中老师写过以下评语: "Your introductions tells me that you're going to fail this essay." ——是谁教导我们不能以偏概全乱下结论的? "You call that a conclusion???" ——你把它叫做什么呢? "Your essay shows that you are immature, myopic and self-indulgent." ——原来从一篇文章可以看出这么多,了解一个人原来如此容易。 听说有人用了一个地理课上学到的数据,被GP老师无情而不假思索地写上了"inaccurate" 我想知道他们打上问号的时候是否曾为自己的无知感到羞耻 如果你只知道英文语法 到底有什么好骄傲的?
现在看电影是按半部来计算的 把C的20GB变卖给了D 等待"Once Upon A Time in America"充满硬盘 4CD也不是229分钟的完整版本——世态炎凉哪
忿忿说我放"Jazz at the Pawnshop"让她头晕 也许真该活得晕一点才能体会出乐趣 叮叮咚咚烟雾缭绕人声嘈杂 声音可以是如此美丽的 [注:"Jazz at the Pawnshop"是全世界音响家都力推的一张测试碟,我驽钝的耳朵实在是玷污了它] ——音乐让人如此欣喜 因为在不同的时期听着不同的音乐 回顾的时候常会把经历裹入音符 只因这样 我们的欣赏才带着灵魂吧?
---Departure of A Legend--- "Thanks. The scoreboard said I lost today, but what the scoreboard doesn't say is what it is I have found. Over the last twenty-one years, I have found loyalty: you have pulled for me on the court and also in life. I've found inspiration: you have willed me to succeed sometimes even in my lowest moments. And I've found generosity: you have given me your shoulders to stand on to reach for my dreams, dreams I could have never reached without you. Over the last twenty-one years, I have found you and I will take you and the memory of you with me for the rest of my life. Thank you."
By and by when they are taken away I can by my fancy restore those lovely myriads to the black sky and make them sparkle again,and double them by the blur of my tears.
---Eve's Diary